
My First PHP Application is now Live!

Hello there! Wooohoo! I've got it live! heh. You can check it out and if you do have time, please leave somethin.. I'll accept good/bad comments.. :D

Click here to view my live PHP Application.

I know it isn't that good, but hey! I've learned PHP for just five(5) days. What do you expect? heh. But surely I'll continue developing it. Thanks! :)

Amigoas Youth Development Program

Today is our last day on AYDP's PHP class. It was fun learning PHP. For just 5 days, I've already made my First PHP Application that Adds, Edits and Deletes entries from a MySQL database. It was cool, I just thought Making Websites manually (hard-coded) is a nightmare for me, but now I realized, It isn't that hard just like the word "hard-coded" say.. heh. Here's a preview on my work, I'm uploading it somewhere so you can comment on it or what.. Just need a free hosting company for it:


I like hard-coding something. That way, I can create it the way I want it to be. I remember my 1st year days of my college, where there's no "drag-n-drop" programming which i knew, it was fun coding.. I made programs the way I want it to be..

Now I've learned PHP, I think I'll continue learning this, developing websites (which I really want, building websites on PHP). Thanks to Dennes Abing for giving me the opportunity to learn this language for FREE, he's such a blessing to me.

Here are some pictures from our class taken on the first day of AYDP courtesy of Christopher Cubos: